Študentom so se pridružili srednješolci, kmetje, umetniki, aktivisti nevladnega sektorja in številni meščani. Srečanje na Slaviji, enem od osrednjih mestnih trgov, se je začelo s 15-minutno tišino za 15 ljudi, ki so 1. novembra umrli v zrušitvi nadstreška na postaji v Novem Sadu, poroča Index.

Thousands of people fill the streets as they protest against government policies, corruption and the negligence which they blame for the deaths of the victims in the Novi Sad railway station disaster in November, in Belgrade, Serbia, December 22, 2024. REUTERS/Branko Filipovic

Več deset tisoč ljudi je znova izrazilo zahtevo, da oblasti prevzamejo odgovornost. Foto: Reuters

Protestniki nosijo transparente, na katerih piše »Beograd je spet svet«, »Protest je preizkus«, »Vaše roke so krvave«, videti pa je bilo tudi transparent s citatom pokojnega pevca in tekstopisca Đorđa Balaševića: »Te krvi ne bi bilo, če bi bilo vse po zakonu.«

People carry a banner that reads ''your hands are bloody'', during a protest against government policies, corruption and the negligence which they blame for the deaths of the victims in the Novi Sad railway station disaster in November, in Belgrade, Serbia, December 22, 2024. REUTERS/Zorana Jevtic

"Vaše roke so krvave," pravijo protestniki. Foto: Reuters

People carry a banner that reads ''Belgrade is world again'', during a protest against government policies, corruption and the negligence which they blame for the deaths of the victims in the Novi Sad railway station disaster in November, in Belgrade, Serbia, December 22, 2024. REUTERS/Zorana Jevtic

Foto: Reuters

Pozvali so tudi k ustavitvi sodnih postopkov proti protestnikom. Med zahtevami študentov je tudi kazenski pregon napadalcev, ki so med eno od akcij v spomin na žrtve nesreče napadli študente in profesorje beograjske fakultete za dramske umetnosti.

Shod se je končal brez večjih incidentov in motenj javnega reda in miru, je poročala Nova.rs.

People use lights on their mobile phones during a protest against populist President Aleksandar Vucic and his government, whose tight grip on power has been challenged by weeks of street protests led by university students, in Belgrade, Serbia, Sunday, Dec. 22, 2024. (AP Photo/Marko Drobnjakovic)

Prostest se je začel s 15-minutno tišino za žrtve nesreče. Foto: AP

People attend a protest against government policies, corruption and the negligence which they blame for the deaths of the victims in the Novi Sad railway station disaster in November, in Belgrade, Serbia, December 22, 2024. REUTERS/Djordje Kojadinovic

Foto: Reuters

People gather during a protest against government policies, corruption and the negligence which they blame for the deaths of the victims in the Novi Sad railway station disaster in November, in Belgrade, Serbia, December 22, 2024. REUTERS/Zorana Jevtic

Foto: Reuters

Oblasti so v zadnjih tednih obljubile različne subvencije za mlade, da bi omilile jezo in umirile proteste. Študenti s protesti nadaljujejo, saj menijo, da je vlada le delno odgovorila na njihove zahteve.

V zrušenju nadstreška železniške postaje v Novem Sadu 1. novembra je na kraju nesreče, ki se je zgodila ob 11.52, življenje izgubilo 14 ljudi, še trije so bili hudo poškodovani. Eden od njih je umrl v nedeljo, za življenje dveh ponesrečencev se zdravniki še vedno borijo.
